Friday, October 21, 2011

Collaborative Characters + Questionable Content = FUN

Like Cassidy, I had a great time in class today.  Although it's always a good class I think the collaborative freewrite added some fun energy.  I never really collaborate with anyone in writing projects, other than getting some feedback from the class or friends, and although I wouldn't say that David's and mine's character will be appearing in any of my stories, he has inspired a lot of ideas that may.  More importantly than that, the process of creating him reinvigorated an intense appreciation for the creative process.  Sometimes trying to write can be difficult, especially when attempting to write within parameters of assignments that fifteen other people have and trying to be totally unique at the same time.  At times writing is frustrating and at times I hate it (though only ever for a short while).  And now whenever I feel that, I can remember this freewrite assignment -- this man who only wants to be a good dad, but won't give up his valley girl speech, while having guests to his house, all the while fearing that he is an incompetent lover and that he may one day face an actual sea snake, which somehow might be explained by the fact that he was once caught playing doctor by himself!?? and whether he is a dynamic, realistic, or in any way a good character or not, I believe he will always remind me how much I love writing.

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